One Tired Teacher Podcast
One Tired Teacher Podcast
Teachers have important things to say and share about teaching, life, teaching, and learning. A podcast for teachers brings you the stories and inspiration behind the scenes from classrooms around the globe. Honest conversations about teacher tired and passion-filled teaching allow educators to speak their truth on the trials and treasures of being a teacher.
OTT 29: Conversation with Deedee Wills: Building Community to Grow Professionally
Talking curriculum, professional development, and building a community of teachers is one of my favorite things to do. That probably explains why Deedee Wills from the Facebook group Primary Collaborative and I speak for over an hour! It's a long one, but I loved every moment of it.
OTT 28: Packing Up Your Classroom
There is a love hate relationship with the end of the school year for teachers. We often hate all the tedious tasks we are asked to do like pack up our entire classroom just to unpack 2 months later, create class lists, and say goodbye to our kids and co-workers. We also love the idea of starting fresh in August, organizing our things, and getting a much needed break from the daily grind.
OTT 27: Teachers, Is College for Everyone?
Today’s show takes a look at a system that is holding children to standards that are causing them to believe that their worth resides only in being college and career ready. Is this the message we should be sending to the next generation? Preparing kids to think and learn and problem solve is crucial, but it doesn’t have to be in college. I hope you will join me as I share a letter that I wrote to my daughter when she didn’t get into the colleges she chose due to the message we sent her based on a test score.
OTT 26: Welcome Graduating Teachers
Hey! So today I am so excited to have my dear friend Andrea here to welcome new teachers into the tribe of teaching. Andrea has always been a gift to other teachers, most notably for me. She offers practical advice for teachers who are just starting out in this big world of education. We hope you will join us as we pay tribute to our graduating teachers!
OTT 16: Making Learning Fun and The Value of Opening Our Doors
Making learning fun in the classroom brings a higher level of engagement and happiness to your students. From dressing up as writing characters to incorporating games into your math curriculum, spicing up the learning environment can really add value to your classroom. On this week’s episode, guest Math Mojo, Alexis Sergi shares the importance of making learning fun.
OTT 13: Growth Mindset
The role of the school counselor has evolved from the days where scheduling and test coordinator were once the main job performances. Many states across the country are realizing the necessity of having school counselors focusing on social and emotional learning along with academics and college and career readiness. It couldn’t be a better time to start focusing on the mental health of our children as we see the numbers of anxiety and other mental challenges increase.
OTT 12: Anxiety in Our Schools
Anxiety in our schools seems to be a growing problem. Some evidence suggests that we may be overdiagnosing. Other reports say that we have just gotten better at identifying the issues. Whether you subscribe to either point, the number is high.
OTT 11: Anxiety and ADHD in an Alternative School: A New Teacher Story
This week on One Tired Teacher, I sit down with Amanda a 2nd-year teacher who has begun her teaching journey in an alternative school 6th-8th grade. Amanda shares some of her challenges with students who are often feeling left behind or overlooked. The ESE population is substantial, and many students struggle with ADHD and or Anxiety. We as listeners, get a brief look at a challenging situation.
OTT 07: Teacher Stories The Power of Co-Workers
Teaching can be a lonely field in which to work. Besides the kids, it is so vital to have co-workers who have your back. In episode 7, I speak with Stefania, a middle school art teacher who shares the beauty of working with people who are the family we choose.
OTT 06: Self-Care for Educators
Self-care is one of those topics that we know is so important for our mental well being, yet we feel like we never have enough time. It’s kind of like I need gas in my car, but I don’t have time to stop! Eventually, we run out, and we are left stranded on the side of the road.
05: An Administrator's Impact on School Culture
Today’s show takes a look at the impact of school administrators on the culture of schools. Rachel, a 2nd-grade teacher from Missouri, shares her truth about being a part of a school culture that values empathy and kindness towards one another, and it all starts with the leader of the school.
OTT 03: The Tired of ESE
Today’s show is taking a closer look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of teaching in ESE (Exceptional Student Education). Nichole Maas ESE teacher in Florida shares her tired.
Today’s show explains a little bit about why teaching can be difficult with tracking data, excessive testing, and determining eligibility. In today’s episode, we also listen to the excellent tired, where Nichole works ever so hard to hear, “Thank you, Mrs. Maas.” You will want to stay tuned.