OTT 03: The Tired of ESE

OTT 03: The Tired of ESE

Today’s show is taking a closer look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of teaching in ESE (Exceptional Student Education). Nichole Maas ESE teacher in Florida shares her tiredness.

Today’s show explains a little bit about why teaching can be difficult with tracking data, excessive testing, and determining eligibility. In today’s episode, we also listen to the excellent tired, where Nichole works ever so hard to hear, “Thank you, Mrs. Maas.” You will want to stay tuned.

2:16 Nichole’s experience

5:27 Most Rewarding Part of Teaching

7:32 Kids who need something different- how important is it to follow accommodations? 

10:38 Keeping it manageable for the classroom teacher

12:00 Have we lost sight of why we are tracking data?- The Bad

14:11 How can we fix the data collection system/ Identification of needs

15:08 Explaining why it is difficult for ESE kids to be over-tested

17:20 Possible solutions for ESE Kids in Terms of Assessment

19:30 Reasons we feel tired - The Ugly

21:21 Good Parts

22:00 Do People Get it? 

27:24 Glimmers of Hope- The Good

30:00 It’s the small things that make it all worth it. - The Beauty 

32:08 Suggestions to build rapport with kids with disabilities 

33:54 Greatest Success

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Sweet Dreams!

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OTT 03: The Tired of ESE

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OTT 04: Surviving the Weeks Before Winter Break


OTT 02: Building Student Rapport