One Tired Teacher Podcast- Trina Deboree

Teachers have important things to say and share about teaching, life, teaching, and learning. A podcast for teachers brings you the stories and inspiration behind the scenes from classrooms around the globe. Honest conversations about teacher tired and passion-filled teaching allow educators to speak their truth on the trials and treasures of being a teacher.

Seasonal Time Savers, Thanksgiving Trina Deboree Seasonal Time Savers, Thanksgiving Trina Deboree

OTT 52: 8 Mindful Tips for Teaching Children Gratitude

Gratitude is a practice. It results in positive thinking. In a difficult time and world, the one true factor that can make the most impact is exercising gratitude. It is complex, yet very simple. The cause of resentment and poor behavior is a direct result of feeling undervalued, not worthy, not heard, and not cared about. When we focus on the things in which we do value and are the most grateful for, we can change resentment into gratitude and love. Recognizing and expressing gratitude towards children can change everything. Expressing gratitude is a simple answer to a complex problem. We need to stop thinking about gratitude as emotion and begin to live it as an action. Living your life as an expression of gratitude is the greatest give you can give a child and yourself.

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