One Tired Teacher Podcast- Trina Deboree

Teachers have important things to say and share about teaching, life, teaching, and learning. A podcast for teachers brings you the stories and inspiration behind the scenes from classrooms around the globe. Honest conversations about teacher tired and passion-filled teaching allow educators to speak their truth on the trials and treasures of being a teacher.

Reading Comprehension, Reading Trina Deboree Reading Comprehension, Reading Trina Deboree

OTT 14: Teaching A Love of Reading

Inspiring children to fall in love with reading can be one of the most rewarding gifts you can receive as a teacher. Sometimes it can be quite tricky. Reluctant readers often struggle to find books they love due to fears they have about themselves as readers. This is why it is so crucial to introduce kids to fantastic books. Because there is a book for everyone! We just need to find the one to hook them.

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