OTT 102: How to Embrace Thanksgiving in Your Makerspace

OTT 102: How to Embrace Thanksgiving in Your Makerspace

How do you bring Thanksgiving and the attitude of gratitude to your makerspace? Today we talk about the practice of gratitude and creating moments for kids to think and build based on literature with a Thanksgiving theme. All the activities discussed in this episode take a closer look at growth-mindset elements like working through challenges, practicing being thankful, believing in the power of yet, and so much more.

Thanksgiving is a great time of year to focus on being grateful as well as celebrating each other’s differences. Being in the classroom with children who better understand productive failure and showing appreciation for the things we have builds a solid loving community. I hope you will join the conversation.

How do you practice gratitude? How do you celebrate Thanksgiving in your classroom or makerspace? (Share in the comments below.)

Links Mentioned in the Show:

100-5 Genuine Components of Developing a Maker Mindset

101: 6 Attributes for Creating an Amazing Makerspace

Gratitude Journal for Kids Digital Version
Gratitude Journal for Kids

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OTT 103: Systems and Organization in the ESE Classroom with Sabrina Crews


OTT 101: 6 Attributes for Creating an Amazing Makerspace