TRYH 31: TRYH: Everything You Need to Know About Making 6 Figures on TpT with Andrea Marie

TRYH 31: TRYH: Everything You Need to Know About Making 6 Figures on TpT with Andrea Marie

Today I sit down with fellow teacherpreneur, Andrea Marie from who had her personal best year on Teachers Pay Teachers. What does a personal best year look like? Six figures, baby! Way to go, Andrea!!

As a teacherpreneur myself I am always thrilled to see others find success in their business. I am beyond proud of Andrea and sitting down with this hard-working businesswoman both inspired and motivated me to keep moving forward.

Andrea shares the secret to her success- keeping one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward each day. She continues to show up for her teachers, find the answers to their pain points, and create outstanding materials. Andrea practices all the things we hear about business but sometimes we choose not to follow. Looks like this teacherpeneur (me) needs to take note! Yes, I will be listening to this episode again and again. I hope you will join us.

I’ve also broken down the major tips that Andrea shares in the show. Grab it below.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Virtual Learning Party for Teacherpreneurs

Maternelle avec Mme Andrea on TpT

Andrea’s website Maternelle Avec Mme Andrea

Andrea on Instagram @mme.andrea

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TRYH 32: TRYH: 5 Reliable Steps to Planning for the New Year


TRYH 30: The Astounding Why That Drives Teacherpreneurs