I began my journey into education in 1997 as a first-grade teacher. I looped several times and then stayed in second grade for 14 years. There was a time in my teaching career when I loved what I did. But towards the end of my time in the classroom, I felt a little stuck.
I eventually moved out of the classroom several years ago and was able to gain a different perspective on a variety of areas of education, such as student behavior, administration, special area teaching, as a Student Support Specialist, and in the media center as a media specialist.
I believe in teachers. I think teaching is one of the most important jobs there is. And not because we are the provider of information, because honestly, students can get information from everywhere- the Internet, TikTok, YouTube, etc.
What teachers bring to the table are heart and soul. Teachers nurture and motivate. Teachers inspire. Teachers love. Teachers see children who feel unseen and unworthy.
So teachers are so much more than information sharers. We are valuable, we are worthy, and we are essential.
I created Trina Deboree Teaching and Learning to empower teachers in the classroom, provide choices and tools to push back against a system that puts teachers and students in perfectly square boxes. TDTL helps create opportunities to explore, dream, and discover a love of learning free from barriers.
After years of figuring it out and wishing I had the tools to provide my students with creativity, imagination, and a deeper understanding of learning, I want to bring that to you now.
I have a few things you can use in your classroom that will save you time, engage your students and support the core values you carry as a dedicated superhero, aka teacher.