TRYH 30: The Astounding Why That Drives Teacherpreneurs

TRYH 30: The Astounding Why That Drives Teacherpreneurs

As a teacherpreneur, your why may vary greatly from another fellow teacher-author. Maybe you do what you do to impact education. Maybe your reason is to pay off a student loan, get ahead in the bills department, or maybe it is for the extra luxuries your additional income affords you! Or maybe it is all of the above. Either way, our whys drive us. They push us towards the finish line time and time again.

Today I speak with Australian teacherpreneur Sarah Kroenert from Curiosity and the Hungry Mind. Sarah shares the astounding why behind her store. Her why is quite exciting and is a breath of fresh air for this teacherpreneur who is often white-knuckling the whole experience. I hope you will stick around.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Curiosity and the Hungry Mind Store on TpT

Curiosity and the Hungry Mind on Facebook

My Stem Classroom

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