Making AWESOME Makerspaces: The 7 Attributes of a Great Makerspace
Are you ready to integrate makerspace into your learning environment? Do you crave hands-on learning that engages your creativity and problem-solving skills? If so, it's time to join the makerspace movement.
Starting a Makerspace? 5 Fundamental Ways to Launching a Makerspace
Are you a maker at heart? Do you believe innovation and creativity should be nurtured and encouraged in future generations? Do you want to foster a collaborative space and be integral to the maker movement? You should consider starting a makerspace in your classroom, media center, or homeschool classroom!
How to Introduce Practical Procedures in Your School or Classroom Makerspace
While starting a maker space in your classroom, school library, or homeschool area can be an overwhelming task, you can breathe a little more comfortable knowing that the maker mindset community encourages you to approach making in your own way with a focus on new things and new skills.
Makerspaces encourage creative thinking, taking risks, different ways of doing things, project-based learning, and learning from failure for young people.
How To Organize and Label Your School or Classroom Makerspace
Organizing and labeling a makerspace can be an intimidating task for classroom teachers or media specialists in school libraries.
But it doesn't have to be! Whether you're starting school makerspaces in a school library or in the classroom, if you're part of the growing maker movement, you can make the most of your maker space with the right organization and labels. With a little effort, it's easy to turn your space into a creative hub that's ready for all sorts of tinkering and exploration. So grab your supplies, and let's get started!