TRYH 6: Tips, Strategies, and Abundance for TpT With Math Mojo

Tips, Strategies, and Abundance for TpT With Math Mojo

Episode 6: Teacherpreneurs, Raise Your Hand - Tips, Strategies, and Abundance for TpT With Math Mojo

Alexis Sergi is the creator behind Math Mojo, LLC. Alexis wears many hats, full-time Business owner, product creator,  mom of three beautiful daughters, wife, friend just to name a few. She juggles a thriving business and manages to get all three girls to almost daily competitive gymnastics training. Somehow she manages to make it all look relatively easy. Her go-to advice is to create, create, create. 

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Virtual Learning Party for Teacherpreneurs

Math Mojo on Teacher Pay Teachers

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