TRYH 56: Post TpT Conference: Now What?

TRYH 56: Post TpT Conference: Now What?

Now what? Oh my goodness. So we just finished the TPT conference, which is crazy because it was our first virtual conference this year, which was really exciting. And it was just chocked full of wonderful sessions and so much learning. And I'm telling you if you are feeling like I'm feeling your brain is overloaded. In fact, I plan on taking a vacation this week that this episode is coming out because I need a rest before I jump into all the things that I now must do, because I've heard so much this week!

So now that you have all of this great information in your head, what you do from here? I hope you stick around to find out your next steps.

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TRYH 57: Where Do I Focus My Teacherpreneur Business?


TRYH 55: Teacherpreneurs Talking Podcasts, Pinterest, and More