TRYH 18: How to Choose the Perfect Topic For Your Digital Course

How to Choose the Perfect Topic for Your Digital Course

How to Choose the Perfect Topic For Your Digital Course

I’m so excited to talk all about choosing your perfect topic for your first digital course. My mentor Amy Porterfield took me step-by-step through creating a course, marketing, and launching a digital course back in January of this year in her course DCA. And today I’m going to share with you some of Amy’s secrets to choosing a digital course topic. I hope you stick around!

How to choose a topic for your digital course:

  1. Know your expertise

  2. Go with a topic in which you have had success or helped others find success

  3. Follow Your Passion

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Amy Porterfield’s Masterclass- 3 Behind the Scenes Secrets to Digital Course Success

Podcasting Academy for Teacherpreneurs

Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast Episode 279: Should I Create a Digital Course?

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TRYH 19: Teacherpreneurs, Are Digital Courses for You?


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