TRYH 17: Be a Crock Pot Seller With Angie Kratzer

Be a Crock Pot Seller With Angie Kratzer

Be a Crockpot Seller With Angie Kratzer

Today Angie Kratzer tells teacherpreneurs the value of being a crockpot seller. You know the old saying- slow and steady wins the race. Well, Angie helps teacher-authors really understand this adage. Angie dives into the importance of perseverance, grit, and staying the course. She offers valuable insight into the things we can actually control. You will be amazed!

One of my favorite parts of this interview is how adamant Angie is about mindset. It is truly the key. She stops herself at one point in the conversation and says, “I’m not going to use that language.” She won’t even allow herself to speak in a way that isn’t affirming. I love that!

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Amy Porterfield’s What Type of Course Should I Create Quiz

Amy Porterfield’s Forbes Article (AMAZING!)

Podcasting Academy for Teacherpreneurs Wait List

Angie Kratzer’s 101 Ways to Grow Your TpT Business Video on Teachers Pay Teachers {Once you grab this excellent deal, you will receive an invite to the FB group.}

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Grab Angie Kratzer’s TpT Seller Progress Planner FREEBIE!


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