Describe Character, Setting, & Major Events in a Story Interactive Read Aloud

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Are you a second-grade teacher who wants your students to understand characters and to go deeper into reading comprehension, specifically around describing characters, settings, & events in a story using key details while looking for inspiring books and lessons?

Character Interactive Read-Aloud Lesson Plans for 2nd Grade Comprehension gives you everything you need to encourage a deep understanding of the story while also encouraging a love of reading. Lesson plans, read-aloud activities, and reading response printables are included.

Each week we focus on a different comprehension standard and strategies that will take young readers on a reading journey that will help them fall in love with books, as well as learn to think deeply about the story. All lessons are aligned with standards. This can be used as a stand-alone curriculum or a supplement to your current curriculum.

What is Inside the Character Story Elements Unit?

✓ First Week procedures for Reading Workshop include:

Interactive Read Aloud

Shared Reading

Independent Reading

Choosing just-right books

Setting Reading Goals

Recording Reading

Talking about books

✓ Standards and Reading and Discussion Tasks include:

RL. 1: Asking Questions (text-based)

RL. 2: Retelling/Summarizing

RL. 3: Characters Overcome Obstacles

RL. 4: Vocabulary

RL. 6: Point of View

RL. 7: Illustrations in Text

Connections (text-to-self and text-to-text)

✓ Language Tasks:

Introducing vocabulary

✓ Writing Tasks including:

Writing about reading (answering text-based questions and retelling)

✓ Foundational Skills

Decoding strategies

Fluency work

⭐️ Authors that were chosen for this unit:

Mo Willems

Cynthia Rylant

Mo Willems Book Titles (Books not included)

Knuffle Bunny

Knuffle Bunny Too

Knuffle Bunny Free

Leonardo the Terrible Monster

Cynthia Rylant Book Titles (Books not included)

Henry and Mudge's First Book of Adventures

Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend

Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps

Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers