2nd Grade NGSS Science STEM Unit Rocks & Soil Earth Systems STEM Challenges

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Earth Processes That Shape the Earth {Earth Systems} includes a complete STEM unit of study on rocks, soil, and the water cycle, and landforms, science lesson plans, learning investigations, challenges, complete curriculum to teach six weeks of STEM processes that shape the Earth to your second graders. Each day focuses on the 5E model and provides you with the exact tools to illustrate the concepts. All of the guesswork has been removed with this NO PREP unit of study.

After completing this unit, your students will be able to:
•2-ESS1-1: Use information from several sources to provide evidence that Earth events can occur quickly or slowly.

•2-ESS2-1: Compare multiple solutions designed to slow or prevent wind or water from changing the shape of the land.

•2-ESS2-2: Develop a model to represent the shapes and kinds of land and bodies of water in an area.

•2-ESS2-3: Obtain information to identify where water is found on Earth and that it can be solid or liquid.

•2-PS1-1: Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties.
•K-2-ETS1-1 Ask questions, make observations, gather information to solve a problem through 4Stem Challenges
•K-2-ETS1-2 Develop a model to explain a solution to a problem

Included in the third 5E unit of study:

•Big Picture Broken Down- Second Grade Quarterly STEM Topics

•Unit Three Overview

•Unit 3: Earth Systems: Processes That Shape the Earth {complete with performance expectations, disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, essential questions, vocabulary, and materials needed)

•Lesson Plans for Each Unit

•Student Activities

•Science and Engineering Earth Systems Student Notebook (with options for less paper)

•STEM Challenges
• Learning Investigations


•Original Informational Text Readers on Earth's Materials and Landforms

•Trade book Suggestions with Literacy Connections

•Nonfiction Text with questions and integration of ELA standards

•Background Information {inducing purpose for the shift from science to STEM, science and engineering practices overview, science and engineering practices broken down by grade level K-5, and science topics K-5}

•Assessment- rock quiz, questions to nonfiction text, science and engineering Earth Systems notebook responses, project designs, and final summative assessment

★Weekly Breakdown
Week One:
Engage: Earth's Materials by Trina Deboree (included) {Literacy Connection}
Explore: An Introduction to Water {Investigation/Experiment}

Explore/Explain: How Does Water Change on Earth? {Investigation/Experiment}
Explain/Explain: Where is Water on Earth? {Technology Connection and Math-Graphing}
Explain/Elaborate: Water Cycle {Technology}

Week Two:
Engage/Explore Ricky the Rock That Could Not Roll by Jay Miletsky {Makerspace Moment in Literature STEM Challenge}

Explore: Build Rock Rollers/Investigate properties of rocks {Makerspace/STEM included}
Explain: Nonfiction Passages on What Makes Up the Earth and What Can You Observe About Rocks?/Vocabulary with ELA questions {Lit connection}
Elaborate: Nonfiction Passage: What Factors Can Form and Change Rocks? {Lit connection}
Evaluate: Rock Quiz (Summative Assessment)

Week Three:
Engage/Explore: An Introduction to Earth's Materials- Sand (Investigation) {Tech and ELA}
Explore: Investigating How Water Can Change Sand- Investigation/Experiment
Explain: Nonfiction passage: How Sand is Formed {Lit and Science}

Elaborate/Explore: How Can Wind Change Sand? Nonfiction Passage {Lit/Science}
Evaluate: How Can We Design a Barrier to Reduce Wind Erosion? {Engineering}

Week Four:
Engage/Explore: Literacy Connection - Food Warning by Katherine Keneah Makerspace Building a Dam
Explore/Exnage: Designing the Dam
Explain: Studying Soil Nonfiction passages/ELA questions {Lit connection}
Elaborate: What Can We Learn by Studying the Soil- Dirt the Scoop on Soil by Natalie Rosinsky {Lit connection}
Evaluate: Reduce Soil Erosion {Nonfiction passage/lit connection}

Week Five:
Engage/Explore: How Do Glaciers Change Land? (experiment) {Tech integration}
Engage/Explore: How Do Rivers Change Land/ Experiment
Explain: Studying Landforms Nonfiction Passage {lit connection}
Elaborate: Studying Landforms: Nonfiction text by Trina Deboree (included) {lit connection}

Catch-Up Time

Week Six: (Summative Project and Assessment)

Engage: Ask questions about making a model island

Explore: Build the Island

Explain: Revise the island

Elaborate: Review for Summative Assessment

Evaluate: Summative Assessment

Informational Text Standards Covered:
RI.1 Asking and Answering Questions
RI. 3 Connections to Scientific Concepts

RI. 6 Author's Purpose
RI. 4 Vocabulary
RI. 7 Images