Teachers have important things to say and share about teaching, life, teaching, and learning. A podcast for teachers brings you the stories and inspiration behind the scenes from classrooms around the globe. Honest conversations about teacher tired and passion-filled teaching allow educators to speak their truth on the trials and treasures of being a teacher.
OTT 60: How Teachers Can Make Smart Moves With Money
Teachers don't go into teaching for the money. In fact, we often know there won't be a lot of that. So how do we not only survive a teacher's salary but thrive instead? Today Rob Phelan from Fi Educator and I sit down and have some hard conversations about money. I only wish I had this conversation 20 years ago! I hope you will join us.
OTT 59: Implementing New Habits in the Classroom for the New Year
Today we will be talking about the power of habit building and the impact habits can have on your results. We will talk about an excellent book titled Atomic Habits by James Clear. You will find that just a 1% change can have a compounded interest on your desired result. I hope you'll join me.
OTT 58: 5 Blissful Ideas to Make This Holiday Spectacular for Teachers
Welcome to One Tired Teacher Episode 58: 5 Blissful Ideas to Make This Holiday Spectacular for Teachers. Today we are focusing on our holiday mindset. So often teachers go from frazzled hectic classrooms right before Christmas to frazzle hectic holiday households. So today let’s talk about 5 blissful ideas to help make your holiday spectacular and get you in the holiday mindset. I hope you will stick around!