3 Helpful Tips for Your Classroom Morning Procedures and Routines

It's that time of year again, folks. The days are getting shorter, the air is getting cooler (but defintely not cooler if you are living in Florida!), and we're all begrudgingly trading in our beach towels for textbooks.

That's right; it's the back-to-school season! And while many of us are excited to get back into the swing of things, one aspect of the school day can be particularly daunting: morning work and morning procedures.

Let's face it, mornings are tough. Even the most enthusiastic teachers can struggle with corralling a group of sleepy-eyed students and getting them ready for the morning meeting and the day ahead. But fear not, dear readers, I will show you a great way to start the day, ensuring a smooth transition into the day!

The Importance of Morning Procedures

Rise and shine, teachers! There's nothing quite like a good morning routine to set the tone for the class for the day. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, having some sort of structure to your mornings can make all the difference in the productivity and overall well-being of the students. So let's dive into why morning procedures are so darn necessary.

First off, having a set routine first thing in the morning can help students feel more in control of their day. Instead of coming into the classroom frazzled and disoriented, students can start on the right foot right from the start. Plus, following a consistent routine can help reduce behavior issues as soon as the bell rings.

But it's not just about practicality - numerous mental health benefits come with establishing a solid morning ritual.

Streamline the Student Arrival Process

Do you want to avoid your school's chaotic and disorganized arrival process? Don't fear because implementing morning messages, morning meetings, and tubs like a soft start can streamline the entire process! These three simple techniques can make a difference in creating a calm and efficient start to the day for students and staff.

Morning Messages

Firstly, morning messages or morning announcements are a great way to communicate important information to students before they even step foot into the day. By sharing clear and concise messages about upcoming events or reminders about procedures, students will be more prepared for their day ahead. This not only saves time but also reduces stress levels for everyone involved. 

Morning Meetings

In addition, holding regular morning meetings with students can ensure everyone is on the same page when managing learning expectations and behavior. Teachers and students can work together to create solutions that benefit everyone by discussing any issues or concerns that arise during this time.

Morning Tubs and Soft Starts

Morning tubs, otherwise known as soft starts, allows students to have some choice at the beginning of the day, which can be the best way for some kids to start the day. The most important thing is to review your expectations for this time at the beginning of the school year. Morning tubs can contain simple Makerspace STEM Challenges or building materials. They may even include books or even games to begin on a positive note. 

classroom morning routines

Start the Day with a Positive Attitude

Starting your day with a positive attitude can make all the difference for the rest of the day. And lucky for you, taking that first step towards positivity is easier than ever.

First things first include something fun for the start of the day. Would You Rather Back to School is a great way to ensure a positive attitude. Plus, you can grab these icebreaker questions for free by clicking below!

If you like the back-to-school version, try adding this to your day the next day with my Would You Rather Bundle.

Next up, get moving. Physical activity has been proven to release endorphins and improve overall well-being, whether it's a quick walk around the classroom or some stretches by the student desks.

Establish Clear Expectations and Classroom Routines

As a teacher, the beginning of the year can feel daunting. But don't worry; with some careful planning and a little bit of wit, you'll be able to establish clear expectations and classroom routines in no time, even for younger kids! One of the best places to start is during the morning time. This is when students are fresh and ready to learn, so take advantage of that by setting up consistent routines.

First, ensure your students know what's expected of them each morning. The next step is to determine what they need to do regularly. Things like- Will they need to unpack their bags? Turn in homework? Or Complete a warm-up activity? Spell it out for them so there's clarity. And while you're at it, remember to set up an efficient system for taking attendance! Trust me; nothing throws off a good morning routine like fumbling around with paperwork.

The key to a school morning routine is to practice, practice, practice. Training starts on the very first day of school and runs through the entire week. You should also have a list of tasks with visual reminders so kids can reference these routines when they forget. An effective classroom morning routine is simple and well-planned. So keep that in mind. It makes a big difference. Routines should run like a well-oiled machine. 

Encourage Independence and Responsibility

It's time to encourage some independence and responsibility in those little ones! And what better way to do that than with a check-in chart?

Yes, that's right, a check-in chart. This simple yet effective tool will allow your kids to take ownership of their morning routines. They can mark off each task as they complete it and feel accomplished knowing they're making progress on their own.

But let's remember the importance of morning activity. No one wants grumpy, sleepy kids trudging off to school. Incorporating fun and energizing activities into the morning routine can set a positive tone for the day ahead and help with student learning throughout the day and the year.

Conclusion: Consistency is Key to Success

Ah, the morning routine. It's a time of day that can make or break your mood for the rest of the day. And if you're a teacher, you know that your students' morning routines can impact their entire day. That's why it's essential to establish a predictable classroom morning routine.

Consistency is critical when getting kids into a good morning routine. They need to know precisely what is expected of them and when, so they can feel confident and secure in their actions. Plus, having a set routine will save valuable instructional time - no more wasted minutes trying to corral everyone into starting their work.

But let's be honest here: consistency is easier said than done. Kids are unpredictable creatures who love nothing more than throwing curveballs at adults. But you've got this, and remember that a good spiral review is vital to keeping kids on track.


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