TRYH 131: Profit Sharing: A Model Celebrating Synergy and Collaboration with Kerry Tracy

131: Profit Sharing: A Model Celebrating Synergy and Collaboration with Kerry Tracy

Welcome to episode 131: Profit Sharing: A Model Celebrating Synergy and Collaboration with Kerry Tracy! We're here to celebrate the amazing collaboration of teacherpreneurs and explore how profit sharing can be a model for team success. Our esteemed guest, Kerry Tracy, is no stranger to working with others and sharing the spoils of victory. She has a wealth of experience in finding ways to make teams more efficient and effective, and I am thrilled to have her back on the show.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

85: TRYH: Video and Courses: Is That the Key to My Business Growth as a Teacherpreneur?

72: TRYH: Multiple Income Streams and the Incredible Power of Not Giving Up With Kerry Tracy

65: Courses, Conferences, and More With Kerry Tracy

29: Teacherpreneurs Talk: How to Learn From One Another: A Conversation with Kerry Tracy

Kerry Tracy- Feel Good Teaching

Kerry Tracy Feel Good Teaching on TpT

STEM Con & Beyond

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131: Profit Sharing: A Model Celebrating Synergy and Collaboration with Kerry Tracy



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