One Tired Teacher Podcast- Trina Deboree

Teachers have important things to say and share about teaching, life, teaching, and learning. A podcast for teachers brings you the stories and inspiration behind the scenes from classrooms around the globe. Honest conversations about teacher tired and passion-filled teaching allow educators to speak their truth on the trials and treasures of being a teacher.

Back-To-School Trina Deboree Back-To-School Trina Deboree

OTT 43: First Week Activities for Back-to-School

Now if getting ready for school was really as easy as listening to 5 podcasts life as an educator would be so much better! Let's get real. You and I both know it isn't. We know that it takes more than the time given us to get everything all set. Most teachers I know have to go back weeks before school actually begins. It's a lot to ask, and we are often not thanked for doing it. So I want to say on behalf of children across the world- THANK YOU! Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to excellence. Even if you do it to save your own sanity, THANK YOU! You continue to make a difference in the lives of others.

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Back-To-School Trina Deboree Back-To-School Trina Deboree

OTT 41: Classroom Set Up

Classroom set up requires a great deal of intentional thinking. Where is your furniture? Can you get around quickly? Do you offer an alternative seating option? Do you have a cool down spot? Remember that proximity is the key.

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