Teachers have important things to say and share about teaching, life, teaching, and learning. A podcast for teachers brings you the stories and inspiration behind the scenes from classrooms around the globe. Honest conversations about teacher tired and passion-filled teaching allow educators to speak their truth on the trials and treasures of being a teacher.
OTT 165: 3 Essential Reasons to Attend STEM Con and Beyond This Year
Did you happen to catch STEM Con 2022 this past weekend?! It was AMAZING!! If you did I would love to hear about it in the feedback.
OTT 164: How Elementary Teachers Start With Project-Based Learning
Renee Heinrich & I put our heads together on this podcast to talk about project-based learning.
OTT 163: How Does STEM in Elementary School Teach Collaboration and Cooperation?
What do collaboration and cooperation look like in the classroom when we incorporate STEM? Loren Thorp & I discuss "cooperation over competition" using STEM in the classroom.
OTT 162: Why is it so Important to Teach Students About Careers in STEM?
Erin Twamley is joining us today about STEM careers and allowing them to imagine what that may look like for them. Today on the podcast, we will discuss ideas and ways to motivate students to get excited about their future in the STEM workforce!
OTT 160: How to Successfully Fit STEM into Small Time Frames
OH, the agony of not having enough time! If you are a classroom teacher trying to teach STEM or you are a special area teacher with a limited schedule then you know what I am talking about!! It is brutal. How can we get to the best part of the revision and learning from failure if we have to constantly stop due to time constraints?!
OTT 147: Creative Halloween STEM Challenges for a Thrilling Primary Classroom Experience
I love to incorporate holidays and seasons into my lessons. I think this makes learning more meaningful and relevant for students. So, today we will talk about 3 secret tactics for breathing new life into science in October.
OTT 146: 3 Easy Tips for STEM Planning for the Elementary Classroom
So last week we talked about strategic steps for planning STEM units across the year. Today, I'm going to give you three tips to make it an easier and faster process. I hope you stick around!
OTT 145: 5 Strategic Steps to Teaching STEM Throughout the School Year
Today I am going to break down 5 strategic steps to help you teach STEM throughout the school year. I hope you stick around.
OTT 138: How to Successfully Integrate Science Into the Second Grade Classroom
It is so easy to feel like there are not enough hours in the day to cover all the standards that we need to cover as 1st and 2nd-grade teachers. Often primary teachers in general feel like their number one task are to teach children how to read and how to add and subtract. We know that is priority number one.
OTT 124: The Most Memorable and Impressive Takeaways From STEM Con 2021
STEM Con 2021 was just as incredible as I had imagined! In fact, some might say it was just as amazing as last year. And some might say better! Join me for the big moments from the conference.
OTT 123: How to Jumpstart Your STEM Classroom with Genius Ideas Using Building Bricks with Anita Goodwin
Today fellow STEM Con 2021 presenter and I sit down to talk about the genius ideas that can be used with building bricks. I hope you will join us!
OTT 121: How to Get to Real World Thinking Through Long Term STEM Projects
Today we are talking about how to get to real-world thinking and problem-solving through the use of long-term STEM projects with Claire M from Vivify STEM.
OTT 120: 5 Surefire Organizational Tips to Maximize Your Sensational STEM Classroom
On today’s show, I sit down with Carol Davis from Teachers Are Terrific to talk all about organization! Organization is a surefire way to maintain your sanity in your STEM Classroom. Carol talks about doing a classroom edit The Home Edit way! You won’t want to miss these sensational organizational tips.
OTT 119: Why should teachers include inspiring Read Alouds in the STEM classroom?
Finding stories that inspire students is the goal of primary teachers around the world. What you do with them after you have found the perfect books is where the magic lies. Today Brooke Brown from Teaching Outside the Box sits down with me to talk all about literature and STEM. You won't want to miss it!
OTT 118: How to Teach Simple STEM for Independent Learners For Maximum Engagement
Very often as we start our journey into teaching with an interdisciplinary mindset such as STEM, we get overwhelmed with how to integrate a variety of disciplines. The key really is to just start somewhere. Renee Henrick from Science Schoolyard talks to us about simple STEM ideas and how to nurture independent learners. I hope you stick around.
OTT 92: The Truth About Elementary STEM Club: A Sneak Peek Behind the Scenes
Building a community of students that treat one another like family is part of a normal start-up during back-to-school time. During this time of distance learning and blended learning, it is now more important than ever to teach children how to be responsible digital citizens.
OTT 87: The Power of Integrating Writing Into Science AND Science on a Budget
Integrating content areas into the ELA block allows more science to be taught to students using valuable skills such as writing. That still leaves teachers with hands-on science activities to accomplish. How can you include all the materials you need? That's where science on a budget comes in.
OTT 85: Increasing Social and Emotional Learning Through STEM
The social and emotional components in learning are such an important part of the whole child. Today Claire Meschkat from Vivify STEM and I sit down to talk about how to cover these important SEL elements through STEM instruction. I hope you will join us.
OTT 74: The T in STEM
Today we are talking all about the T (technology) in STEM. So much fun! Anita Goodwin and I sit down and talk about the power of integrating meaningful technology.
OTT 73: Distance Learning, STEM, and Educational Reform
This powerful episode discusses the significance of knowing the difference between distance learning and in-school learning as well as the importance of teaching STEM through either platform and how all of this thinking can and should lead to the realization that we need to knock it all down and build something new and extraordinary. Join Dr. Yen Verhoeven and I as we discuss these three important subjects.