OTT 213: 10 Sanity-Saving Ideas for Teachers to Get To the End of the School Year

OTT:213: 10 Sanity-Saving Ideas for Teachers to Get To the End of the School Year

It's that time of the year again - when teachers count down the days until the last week of school and into the much-needed summer vacation.

With the last days of school in sight, it can be hard to keep your sanity intact as a teacher. That's why some awesome colleagues and I have compiled this list of sanity-saving ideas for teachers who want to make it through to the end of the year unscathed. These ideas are a great way to make it to the last day of school. So stay tuned!

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Free Memory Book

The Applicious Teacher

Amanda from Mrs. Richardson’s Class

Saddle Up for 2nd Grade

A Teacher’s Wonderland

The Simple Classroom

Lucky Learning with Molly Lynch

Amy Lemons

Apples and ABC’s

The Daily Alphabet

Sponsored: End-of-the-Year Camp

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OTT 214: How do Terrific Teachers Set Boundaries Over the Summer Again?


OTT 212: 3 Ideas for Camp End of the Year