OTT 38: Why Back-to-School Decor Matters in the Classroom

OTT 38: Why Back-to-School Decor Matters in the Classroom

Getting your classroom ready for back-to-school can often feel like a daunting and overwhelming task. I mean you have back-to-school decor and decorations to figure out, open house, beginning of the year essentials and back-to-school printables to prepare and copy. The list could go on and on! But you get my point.

However, there is a reason why our classrooms need to be ready. Join me for 3 surprising reasons back-to-school decor matters!

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Back-to-School Superheroes Theme Pack

Back-to-School Ocean Theme

Back-to-School Camp Theme

Back-to-School Space Theme

Back-to-School Olympics Theme

Back-to-School Surfing Theme

Back-to-School Western Theme

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OTT 39: Back-to-School Motivation


OTT 35: What Would I Do If I Wasn't a Teacher?