Teacherpreneurs, Let me ask you…

Do you want to make a meaningful impact in education and with educators across the globe?

Teacherpreneurs have the distinct opportunity to influence thousands of educators around the world.

Do you want to focus primarily on the ONE thing that can bring your business MORE revenue in a single launch than you will make all year on TpT?

Courses and webinars are often priced higher than most of our resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, and with the right messaging, we can get our messages into the hands of thousands of educators.

Do you want to share your passion and expertise with the teachers you serve and better support communities of teachers?

Do you want to grow your audience in a way that feels aligned with your values and goals and is also profitable?

Creating and marketing a digital course allows us to grow our email list as well as increase awareness of our brand and our message.

Are you ready to stop chasing shiny objects and instead focus on a few proven strategies that will get you tangible results (like money in your bank account, happy teachers, and bigger opportunities like speaking and making a huge impact on education)?

Do you want to learn precisely how to leverage the unbelievable tool of digital courses to make your business dreams a reality?

Do you dream of financial freedom to live your very best life AND give generously of your time and resources?

Hi. I’m Trina Deboree from Teaching Deboree Teaching and Learning and the podcast Teacherpreneurs, Raise Your Hand.

I create content for primary teachers and media specialists. I also support Teacherpreneurs in their journey through podcasting, course creation, and data analysis.

I find great joy in rooting on my fellow peers as I help empower you to dream your BIG dreams!

If you caught my sessions at the 2021 and 2022 TpT Conferences, I spoke about Podcasting in 2021, and Managing Mindset On Your way to Making Millions in 2022. I believe in each and every teacherpreneur. I believe in your ability and your worth. I also believe in creating the life YOU want to live.

So, I ask you to consider taking me along on your course creation journey. I promise to show up for you consistently, hold your hand through the process, and be your BIGGEST cheerleader. What do you say? Are you ready to live a BIG FRICKIN LIFE?!

Imagine how you will impact teachers AND students around the world.

Imagine how you will influence educational practices and make a real difference.

Imagine how you will live your life with the financial freedom you desire.

There are proven practices that work across industries and personalities. And there’s lots of room for creativity and infusing your fabulous self in unique and remarkable ways into the world of digital courses.

But you need a roadmap to follow from someone who not only has the experience and the empire to prove it but who’s helped tens of thousands of people, just like you, from all walks of life, educational backgrounds, countries, and levels of experience and who has specifically helped teacherpreneurs like yourself do HUGE THINGS in their business and in the world.

I’d like to introduce you to that person and her course that came into my life through a podcast episode where she shared her truth and vulnerability several years ago and changed the trajectory of my life and business forever.

Meet Amy Porterfield, creator of Digital Course Academy and the host of the podcast Online Marketing Made Easy.

Amy teaches business owners and teacherpreneurs the profitable action steps for creating digital courses while using online marketing strategies to sell with ease.

I honestly felt like I was getting a real marketing degree when I was going through DCA in 2018. As a teacherpreneur myself, I know how much there is to learn about marketing. Amy not only gave me the tools to create a course, but she also helped me better serve my audience of teachers, and she taught me how to market my course and offer my services to MORE teachers.

Amy is also a teacher at heart, just like we are!

Amy knows how crucial it is to take learners step-by-step through the process and deliver actionable steps to move you in the right direction without wasting your precious time and energy.

One of my favorite things about Amy is her genuine heart for people. This sincerity is displayed by the way she shows up for her students, how she holds your hand, and how she cheers you on throughout the entire DCA process and BEYOND!

I count my own life amongst the millions of lives that have been positively changed through Amy’s work. Not only have I found her digital course and marketing wisdom to be heart-centered and effective, but I also find her particular brand of WOMAN POWER to be incredibly inspiring and motivating.

As a woman and fellow teacherpreneur running a business with a solid dose of fun and creative expression, I love having a woman like Amy Porterfield at my side. She reminds me that I get to make the rules and create a life and a business that I love.

And so, my friend, do you!

Get all the details from Amy herself.

Why I love supporting Teacherpreneurs with DCA…

When I came out of the other side of Digital Course Academy, there were definitely blood, sweat, and tears. Lots of tears. I wasn’t the giant success that some of my fellow classmates were.

In fact, there were so many success stories I wondered if I was the only one that didn’t blow it out of the water.

But the truth is I wasn’t ready for that kind of success. My mindset around making money was WAAAY off. I had an actual money block. I know that sounds crazy. But I did. I didn’t believe I was worthy or good enough. I had massive imposter syndrome. In fact, I still have to work on my mindset actively.

Also, I hadn’t built my audience of teachers. I wasn’t showing up consistently or at all, really.

That is where Amy comes in. She is the epitome of a highly effective teacher. She taught me step-by-step how to create and launch a digital course! And she coached me. And she showed up every week. Several times a week, actually. And then more on top of that. She also gave me and others some tough love. Whatever I needed, she or someone on her team provided it with a smile.

So why would I recommend DCA to other teacherpreneurs if I didn’t have the same success that others had?

  • Because, in a nutshell, DCA is life-changing.

  • It is life-changing for so many reasons. Yes, I did earn back every penny and then some. But there was so much more to it.

  • I found my voice. I started a second podcast, thanks to DCA.

  • I met new people who later became guests on my show and then later became people I collaborated with, which has led to a great deal of success.

  • I learned how to show up consistently for my teachers.

  • I learned to build a community.

  • I learned more about marketing than I have in the past ten years on TpT.

  • The doors that have opened all boil down to DCA.

So the real question is, why wouldn’t I want to share that with my fellow teacherpreneurs?

If you allow me to support you, encourage you, and motivate you to cross the finish line, then I would love to be your number-one cheerleader!

For most Teacherpreneurs I meet, seeing the next steps, knowing precisely what to do next, and following through can be a HUGE challenge.

Questions come up, confusion hits, doubts linger, and stress builds. After all, doing things that make a HUGE impact can sometimes be hard.

That’s why I want to help you achieve the success I’ve seen with my own eyes while not letting questions or confusion, or doubts stand in your way.

I’m offering the perfect Teacherpreneur Bonus Package to ensure that you get to the finish line building a larger, more connected audience of teachers, helping you see how this can and will work for Teacherpreneurs specifically, and supporting you through the entire process.

I’m an uncompromising Teacherpreneur who believes that it’s ALL possible.

You can make a deeper impact on education while earning more money by doing the work you love and living the life you love. I’m an intuitive person with a passion for helping teacher authors find their voice and their confidence to make a meaningful imprint on our world of education while also making mad money.

You are an action-taker and a teacher at heart who cares about the future of our children and teachers who also wants strategic guidance and laser-sharp insights (from someone who’s been where you are and made it to the other side) so that you can follow through and have the success you know is possible.

With all of this, you’ll be unstoppable! (Cue the music! If you don’t know the song, you must hear Unstoppable by Sia! It might just become your go-to launch song.)

When you sign up for Digital Course Academy through my affiliate link, you will receive the following:

digital course academy plus deboree
DCA + Deboree
DCA + Deboree
DCA + Deboree
DCA + Deboree

Here’s what you need to do to supercharge your DCA results with this Deboree DCA bundle:

  1. Step 1: Watch for Digital Course Academy (DCA) enrollment. The 2023 free masterclass will likely open in October 2023, with DCA enrollment beginning at the end of the month. You can get on my personal early notification by emailing me at tdeboree@trinadeboreeteachingandlearning.com.

  2. Step 2: To be eligible for my bonus bundle, when enrollment opens, you must register through my affiliate link. Affiliate links change yearly, so be sure to get the most up-to-date affiliate link from me here.

  3. Step 3: Work through Podcasting Academy for Teacherpreneurs to consistently show up for your teachers or save that for later.

  4. Step 4: Work through DCA. Take advantage of the community and the weekly Q&As. Do your best to learn and take action.

  5. Step 5: Be ready to launch your first course! (I cannot wait to watch you make it happen!)

I would be my privilege to support you through your course-creating journey.