Readers in The Making
Inspire a LOVE of reading!
Transform your child's reading journey with simple, fun tips to inspire a lifelong love of books—delivered to your inbox every Monday!
Quick, FREE Guide!
5 Simple Ways to Make Reading Enjoyable (Even When You’re Busy) Together, we will spread the love of reading! Please join me.
Does this sound familiar?
📚 “Do I have to read?”
The classic resistance to picking up a book.
📖 “Reading is boring.”
They haven’t found the right book yet!
🕒 “Can I be done now?”
They’re counting the minutes instead of getting lost in the story.
🙄 “This is too hard.”
They might need more confidence-building strategies.
💤 “Reading makes me tired.”
Are they disengaged, or is it the reading environment?
"I always felt unsure about how to help my son with reading, but now I feel confident. The strategies were so simple, and they really worked!"
Hey, I’m Trina!
With my Masters in Education, I’ve spent over 30 years as a public school teacher and literacy advocate, helping kids discover the magic of reading.
My love for books didn’t come easily—I struggled with reading as a child, and it wasn’t until a caring teacher helped me that I began to see books as a source of joy and possibility. That experience changed my life, and it’s why I’m so passionate about helping kids and parents unlock the same magic.
I’m here to help you build confidence, connection, and a lifelong love of books for your child. Let’s get started!
You are here because you deeply care about your child’s reading journey.
At Readers in the Making, we believe that every child has the potential to become a passionate reader. Our mission is to transform reading from a task into a delightful adventure, fostering curiosity and imagination along the way.
Start with this quick, FREE Guide!
5 Simple Ways to Make Reading Enjoyable (Even When You’re Busy) Together, we will spread the love of reading! Please join me.